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Edison Community Summit Update September 27, 2011

Posted by wkfulton in Announcements.

A big “Thank You” to everyone who attended Saturday’s summit—a key moment in the ongoing forum process at Edison. Here are the minutes: Edison Community Summit Minutes 9.24.11 and I welcome your feedback to make sure it captures in both word and spirit the important work you did on Saturday.  I realize that there were many more who would have loved to have lent their voice to the dialogue but schedules would not allow.  We hope you will read over these materials, reach out to those who were there to hear stories, and continue to stay involved in the upcoming PTA forums and Community Gatherings listed on the school’s new and wonderful website (http://edison.dpsk12.org).

Two of the big takeaways from Saturday were a confirmation and slight upgrade of the mission/vision statement, and a thoughtful discussion of the values that it implies.  I was inspired by how respectfully people took on some of the issues that have simmered below the surface, and when brought to the light of day, how they gave way to deeper understanding and a deeper commitment to closing the various gaps that exist between different groups of students.

I hope you have already marked your calendars for the October 13 PTA meeting, which will include a reprise of Sally’s overview of school wide data, a sharing out of some of the dialogue from Saturday’s discussion, and the beginning of an inquiry into the model for an HGT program that best lives up to the school’s mission, vision, and values.

Best regards,


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